call me crazy but i thought it was pretty good. it's a helluva lot better than any piece of sh!t "epic" created today (Avatar or The Dark Knight, for example. hated both of em)
yeah, it's hard to sit through 4 hours, and Liz Taylor has a shrill voice & Richard Burton yells way too much, but Liz was gorgeous & Rich himself was pretty handsome. and it had beautiful sets & costumes, it's pretty on the outside. Roddy McDowall & Rex Harrison were pretty good too. so was Martin Landau.
though sometimes the whole thing could get wooden & annoying, all in all i found it grand, epic & wonderful, but of course, they coulda done a whole lot better.
btw, not many people 'rever' this movie, as you can see it's been heavily criticized & downtrodden on. and people in 1963 didn't sit through this, they walked out & gave it bad reviews, thus becoming one of the biggest box office stinkers of all time.
but seriously, it isn't all that bad & i did end up feeling sympathy for the characters at the end. it's probably one of the greatest epics ever made, standing next to Ben Hur, Spartacus, The Ten Commandments & Lawrence of Arabia.
"Blind respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth"