I don't know much about psychoanalysis and someone could probably explain this much better than me but my basic understanding of Frued's theory is that the id is the part of the psyche that is comprised of basic animal instincts, the ego is the rational part of the psyche, and the superego is the part of the psyche that is highly critical and acts as a sort of a moral conscious. The id and the superego are the extremes of the psyche with the two often in contradiction to each other and the ego is kind of a balance between the two.
Scobie is violent and flies of the handle easily and is therefore clearly the id, Tex is cold and calculating and thus the rational ego, and Gideon is passive and analytical thus the superego. Scobie and Gideon are exact opposites often in contradiction to each other while Tex is kind of in-between the two extremes.