Ann-Margret's singing.

First I want to say I have always been a big fan of hers, I like everything she is in, I like her looks, I like her singing, I like her smile, and she seems to be a very nice person too!

But it is interesting how she sings the title lyrics, it sounds more like Bye, bye 'burr-hee' rather than 'burr-dee'.

I find myself often going about my tasks at home singing it the same way, " Bye, bye, burr-hee..." It makes me happy.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


It sounds like Birdie to me.


I've heard it repeatedly, and she definitely sings, "Bird-hee." Over and over. Real audible "h," and it drives me nuts. Just hate it. It's actually why I came to this page this morning.

The only thing I can think is that she hadn't had decent formal training yet. I seem to remember from long, long ago in high school choir---around '67---a teacher who had us sing an "h" sound in certain syllabic breaks so that we didn't sort of swallow the second syllable. Not sure, but I think I recall that.

But a solo performer doing that? It makes no sense. Can't believe that someone in the film didn't say at some point in production, "Look, Ann, about this 'bird-hee' business . . ."


Reminds me of how people always say "Goo boy!" to dogs, leaving off the "d". Drives me nuts.
