My Problem with this Movie
Forgive me for being a bit negative but this is how I feel about not just this movie but Bye Bye Birdie altogether. Maybe I just don't have the answers or a full understanding of it. But I feel that BBB has too many problems and maybe some of you may be able to help me:
1. Why doesn't Conrad Birdie have any or much development in his character? I mean he mostly does singing numbers but as a character he isn't on screen long enough for character development, I mean couldn't they build on his persona as an obnoxious egomaniacal jerk and build him into the main antagonist of some sort. But they choose not to add any persona to his character.
2. Albert's Mother, Mae. Personally I can't stand the character, she doesn't quite blend in with the rest of the characters. She also annoyed me to no end, with her constant interfering in Albert's business. I also would have prefered if Albert had stood up to his mother and told her to get out of town like in the musical, instead of having her start dating the bartender and just grant's Albert permission to marry Rose. Personally I thought that the whole overbearing mother idea was a little too out of place in this particular musical, but my hunch is the writers felt that the Albert/Rosie romance needed a conflict so they created her, but I feel she didn't quite fit in.
3. Birdie's numbers sound more like upbeat jazz than rock and roll. I mean sure, Rock and Roll was still rather new at the time, but the musical numbers that meant to be Rock and Roll sound too much like upbeat jazz. At least in the 1995 Made for TV version, they fixed this problem.
4. The plot is quite thin, when I saw this as a child, I couldn't quite understand the plot too well. but now today it still doesn't make sense to me.
There are some good things, the songs are catchy enough, the resentment that the boys have for Conrad makes sense. I felt that this movie and the musical in general had it's heart in the right place, but it just failed to impress me, but I was hoping that by posting my feelings here. I would get answers to these questions. I hope you understand and would be willing to help me find the answer to these questions.