The Mutant

This season one disaster gets my vote as the ALL-TIME worst episode of season one. The
story is convoluted, boring, dull, and filled with underdeveloped themes. Warren Oats, a
great, great actor really has nothing to play with in this dumb offering. Yes, as a kid his
bulging eyes scared me. But as an adult, all I want to do is scream "Hey, waitress, bring
some bacon with my fried eggs!" The waitress, of course, would be Betsy Jones Mooreland,
because this actress seems more like a server at Denny's than a (high-heeled) scientist on
an all-sunny planet.

Even worse is the wooden Larry Pennell. One could get splinters watching this man! And he
has zero chemistry with Mooreland. Zilch. Their "romantic" scenes go on and on, and lead

I have always loved Walter Burke, but even he seems ridiculous here (especially with that
glued-on goatee).

Clearly the producers knew they were shooting a talky, lumpy, unintentionally funny show,
so they threw in a redressed Zanti misfit - without any explanation as to what this creature
is, or why it's in the cave.

Avoid this turkey at all costs. I will in the future. Even the dreadful "Specimen: Unknown"
is easier to sit through.
