The Ghost of Sierra De Cobre
I was at YouTube (wasting my time) and this video I had actually seen before comes up in my suggestions column on the right, called "Why Is The Twilight Zone So Difficult to Match?". Well, I'm a fan of The Twilight Zone and its a very intriguing title so I decided to watch it
even though I was pretty sure I had already seen it. And as usual, after viewing it I started to read the comments underneath. The author of the lead comment was commenting on how important he thought it was that The Twilight Zone was in Black & White. And that he hoped the new version they are producing will also be black & white. I read the replies and one of them had a link to an article on Film Noir, which I have always been interested in (I mean I like those types of films). So I clicked on the link which took me to a web page talking about film noir, but this was talking about film noir type television programs. And it mentioned Twilight Zone AND The Outer Limits which I thought was cool. But then on this web page I see this photo with Martin Landau and this actress I recognize but I don't recognize what film/tv show this is from. Then I read that this is from a film that Joseph Stefano did right after leaving his work at The Outer Limits. Here is what the article states: "...while Gerd Oswald (Crime of Passion) and Joseph Stefano (Psycho) worked together on “The Outer Limits.” Stefano went on to produce, write, and direct the unsold gothic-horror TV pilot "The Haunted" (1964), which featured noirish cinematography by Conrad Hall, assisted by camera operator William Fraker." As I read that, I am recognizing all these names from The Outer Limits and I am going, holy sh*t, there is this movie by Joseph Stefano (whom I hold in high regard) with cinematography by Conrad Hall! One of my dreams has always been to find an old Alfred HItchcock movie (or Welles movie) that no one knows about that was hidden away, that they suddenly find that's like oh wow, a cool old black & white masterpiece from HItchcock or Orson Welles! Well, this is almost like that! They call the film "The Haunted" in the article, but I discovered its more routinely called "The Ghost of Sierra De Cobre". But anyway I go, gee, I wonder if this film that Stefano did, using people from The Outer Limits, is on YouTube, so I type in "The Haunted" in the search engine there. And what do you know, I struck dirt!! I found a copy of "The Ghost of Sierra De Cobre" that someone had uploaded to YouTube, and the weird thing was, it had just been uploaded the day before I went looking for it!! I read the user reviews on IMDb and all these people who said they saw it when they were kids back in '60s or later and said it was the scariest thing they had ever seen! Well, take a look and see what you think of it (the uploader is afraid it will be taken down due to copyright soon, and my even mentioning it here might even hasten its demise but I thought I would anyway -- see it while you can):
As I started watching it, I was thinking, all this needs is the great music of Dominic Frontiere. And then I see on IMDb that the musical score IS by Dominic Frontiere. So it seems that "The Ghost of Sierra De Cobre" is kind of Stefano's answer to what Leslie Stevens had done with his "Incubus", where he had similarly used actors and film crew and music from The Outer Limits to do an independent film.
Here is its page at IMdb: