1963-65 and 1995-2002
Didn't check to see what series Comet was featuring on their weekend oldie marathon until this afternoon and it's the 60s Outer Limits episodes. Don't think I've ever seen but one or two, if any, of the 60s episodes. If I'd known this weekend was OL, I'd have begun watching yesterday.
Recently, I've been watching the 1995-2002 episodes shown at night on Comet. (Well, the second episode anyway, since the first is always a repeat of the previous night's second).
LOL, 30 years made a lot of difference in makeup and special effects. I think the 90s has somewhat better plots but the 60s made good use of creepy music and the lighting in a black/white delivery.
I can't help but chuckle sometimes as in watching Eddie Albert fight off a "tumbleweed" or that June's makeup is so thick, her face is clown white and practically glows in the dark (Were any frogs harmed in the making of that episode?); or that people are usually dressed in suits (men) and dresses/pearls/heels (women). White or light colored clothing usually doesn't get dirty; usually doesn't wrinkle. No bad hair days and, even through terrible ordeals, hair stays put.