Carroll O'Connor's accent

As a Limey I'd like to say how staggeringly good Carroll O'Connor's clipped BBC accent is in this episode. So understated and plausibly British that I wasn't sure it was him for a good few minutes. Also nice touch having him revert to his usual New York pronunciation when "in character" as a pawnbroker.


I thought that Carroll was British and had a British accent and then when he was in All In the Family, he began talking with that New York slang: Toilet was pronounced tirlet and first sounded like foist.

When he was interviewed during the show's run, he spoke softly and had more than a hint of a British accent.

But I could be wrong.


That's interesting. Perhaps the English dialect was closer to his own accent. Or he could have acquired it at acting school.


O'Connor was NOT British; he was from New York, and his real-life
dialect was much more similar to Archie Bunker (although not nearly
as broad). He was a brilliant actor, but I loathe this talky, dull


Yes, many of the stories in "Outer Limits" could have been told better in half an hour like the early Twilight Zones. This one especially.


One of the reasons why I always preferred TOL to TZ is the hour format. 20-odd minutes is never enough for drama.


half an hour is usually enough for me but then i have a low attention sp.... hang on, i forgot what i was going to say.


Fairly ridiculous comment, as the half-hour TZs contain the most brilliant
scripts, while the hour-long eps are mostly terrible. Sometimes an hour-
long show contains waaaaay too much padding.


I looked up your posts and it looks like you live on the internet. It also sounds like you're in jr high.

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Meanwhile, back at the OP....

I liked Carroll O'Connor's accent in this episode too.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!


With all this talk about Carroll O'Connor's excellent Brit/New Yawk accent, it's interesting that no one's commented on how good Barry Morse's AMERICAN accent is! The guy was born in England & lived & worked there quite a while before emigrating to Canada & the US.

When the Fugitive was still a new series I saw Morse being interviewed on a talk show - he was bearded, wearing a sweater, looked like a Beatnik poet & talked with a British accent. I had NO CLUE it was "Lt. Gerard" until the host asked him how hard was it to learn a US accent. Without missing a beat he started talking in flawless American, which is when I realized who this 'Beatnik poet' really was!
