MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (1963) Discussion > Did anyone else think they were called "...

Did anyone else think they were called "Darleks"?

Sometimes it was hard with the British accent to know when there was a soft-R or no R at all. Then when I saw the episode "Death to the Daleks" from the Pertwee era, one character who has a slightly different accent from regular British (Welsh perhaps?) throws in a hard-R and calls them "Darleks". This must have been a case of adding an extra R sound which Australians sometimes do at the end of words ending in a vowell, like with some Australian dubs of "Godziller" movies.


My nephew Tom watched a lot of Dr. Who episodes as a child in the 1970s. And I think he contemptuously referred to Daleks as "Derlicts" or "Derelicts".
