and in the end... the Love you take...
Oops.sorry, but it fits, As a serial on it's own, not very good, but taken in context w/ the entire 26th season, subtitles the maturing of a Companion, it works quite well.
Ace learns not to always fight, sometimes brain over brawn, and traveling with the Doctor you Must come to grips with this.
The Cat creatures, were funny, and semi cute, being a "cat person"
The Master was rather misused here, I thought, in actuality he was as captured as was the Doctor and Ace n friends.
Still... Her mother has gone to the police, and has her listed as "missing" sp presumably they are still looking for her, unless they consider her dead.
You wouldn't think the Doctor would say, Listen Ace, we have traveled together for a time, and you have matured some, don't you think it's time to see Mum n Dad?
THEN, on one of the "extra's one of the writers says plans were being thought about, taking Ace to Gallifrey and having her "learn to be a Time lord"????? WTF??? Sorry! That would have burnt all bridges for me
Am real sorry to have come to the end, but overall, i appreciate all the different people involved from day 1, to the end. Now back to New Doctor, A Different Doctor(s)but the same set of values, I think, a new world(s) and much newer better technology