Image of Fendahl

Got it on DVD nice and cheap and have just finished with it... not much in the way of special features (by Who standards).

It's an alright story, it has some good setups with the high concept, ambitious scientists balanced by the earthy Tylers.
In some ways it's a bit uneven, you get a surprisingly gruelling suicide scene followed quickly by a jokey bit about Colby almost getting them killed.
The ending seems slightly rushed ...all in all an enjoyable story, but yeah I don't know if it could almost have been a 5-parter

New song "Breathless Love"


It has Leela in it, making it an instant recommendation. It has been a while, but I recall it being better from a visual standing than scripting. Still the script was good too. I really enjoyed it.

It has been fun fellow message board users.


My fave leela story


Actress Wanda Ventham who plays Thea Ransome, the unfortunate archeologist who is taken over by the Fendahl, is Benedict Cumberbatch's mother. Little Benny was about a year old when "Image of the Fendahl" was shot.

She has appeared with her son in three episodes of "Sherlock."


“I know that, in spite of the poets, youth is not the happiest season"


Ventham has been in a few Who stories, apparently she was in the Faceless ones

New song "Breathless Love"
