Region 2

Are there region 2 DVDs available of L'Avventura, La Notte and L'Eclisse? I'm trying to buy them online but can only find region 1 versions.

Seems weird that they're European films but not available in a European format. What are the region 1 versions like anyway? I'll buy these if there really are no region 2s.


The criterion editions of Eclisse and Avvventura are region free. So if you have a region 2 player you could watch it on that.
The prints on criterion is very good, but best on eclisse. If wondering about the picture quality of these films go to:

and press on the Antonio Link.


cheers :-)


Optimum have a region 2 release - 9 July 2007. Does anyone know what the print quality is like? After their release of Visconti's Senso, I'd approach their classic releases with caution.


June 30th saw the release of region 2's of a selection of Antonioni pictures, but be careful, I got Story of a Love Affair and the picture is absolutely terrible! The sound is dreadful too! On the subtitles menu it says, 'Play with new English dubbing - strongly recommended'. I watched it with the subtitles and it is dreadful. A shame, though, considering it's a very good picture.
