theme of this movie (spoilers)
Just finished watching the movie, so j'écris à chaud.
I think that one theme of this film is:
That love or couples will break apart like atoms. They will be close to each others but if they are too close they can bounce off and break...
Monica Vitti is lovely in this and i'm sure that the ladies will say that Delon is too. The look of the movie is so lavish (I hope this is the correct word). They look like models. I love the way the women walks in this movie like they are on a runway. Ok that's trivial.
In L'Eclisse, it's seems that love is like a carress, love is something that you barely touch just in case the atomic bomb fell on you, and breaks you apart.
I love that you see them in lively place apart but when they are together the world vanishes. They are the only human beings on earth. That the most lively/busy place in the film love doesn't seem to exist (ex.:the financial market).
Also I like the way that one day everyone is beautiful in the market and the next it collapses the two sides of that world.
For Vitti, she needed to express her primal part of her with her friend so to exort the old love that still inhabited her, and start again. But even after the sense of doom was still present.
What I especially love in the last part of the movie, is when you see the same street scene: the jokey that goes by and the nurse with the baby but Delon isn't in the street and Vitti isn't by the curb waiting. Like a nuclear bomb had explode and they are vanished from earth. Only odd faces ... and what's left at the end is the sun, the burning sun.
The only thing that conflicts my ideas, my theories (if I can call them that) are the couples that goes off the buses. Does Antonioni says here that love exist elsewhere, that loves goes away, walks away, that the suburbs and the city isn't so desolate.
I will need to think this through more, but that's a great unusual film. By the way what does l'éclisse mean, is it like in the commentary says: Eclipse. a passage from one love to the other and in between a moment of darkness. A passage from the old values to the new, the modernity that was brought with the sixties.
I don't agree with the commentary that the end, the moment of still pictures, is the beginning, where Antonioni establishes the mood. I think he reflects on us, what solitudes can bring us if we don't let ourselve go to love another.
Anyway just another opinion... a great pleasure watching it.
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