Why this won't get remade anytime soon
1. A white man "saving" a black man? That's considered racist now.
2. A girl lying about rape in the post-metoo age? Yeah, not gonna happen.
1. A white man "saving" a black man? That's considered racist now.
2. A girl lying about rape in the post-metoo age? Yeah, not gonna happen.
A remake of this movie would make a killing regardless, so why is Hollywood not doing it?
It won't be remade, not because of a changed cultural dynamic, but H Lees lawyer T Carter, that controls the rights and would be formidable to deal with to say the least.
A Sorkin in 2018 had a updated play and was sued because Sorkin "muddied the water"on
the virtuous Atticus character.
You have to put yourself in the position of trustees of the H Lee estate. The original is so perfect, why take a chance and mess with it with a potential shotty version? Ms Carter already errored (in my opinion)by getting H Lee to publish 'Go Set a Watchman', receiving blowback from critics saying that she 'coerced' H Lee into releasing it. It did however create an additional revenue stream for the estate.
I don't think she will make the same mistake twice, no matter how much money Hollywood throws at the project.
Doing some research on this.
H Lee died in 2016, never married and never had children.
A lawyer T Carter now controlls the estate, the will has been made public thanks the the work of the NY Times.
There is a 'Mockingbird trust' set up for the profits from the books and movie can go to, to be distributed to those in the trust.
The names of the people, charities, or other designated entites in the trust are not given for fear of harassment. (A sensible precaution)
A blazen attempt at profiteering from this beloved book/movie would be seen with contempt and outrage by the public, which in turn would put the trustees anonymity in danger.
If someone gave you a thousand dollars to put a bumper sticker on your cherry collectible Rolls Royce.....would you?