On BBC2, Monday.

To be shown on BBC2 Monday 27 August at 11:30 pm, if anybody is interested as I know it is hard to come by.


I've set up a Google Calendar to log every movie on the UK's Freeview channels which are NOT available on DVD, for the next seven days. Hopefully, I'll be able to expand it to cover a full fortnight.

You can view the calendar from this shortened URL: http://doiop.com/74ene6


I'm really looking forward to it. Let's hope BBC2 don't show something like, oh, Village of the Damned instead. Did you notice that the advertised Quatermass 2 on Saturday afternoon was replaced with The Quatermass Xperiment? Sometimes the schedulers are positively evil...



No I did not see that, Quatermass 2 is the better of the 3 Hammer pictures, any reason for this?, also The Gorgon is on Tuesday, I will keep my fingers crossed.


Perhaps they're going to show the other two in order in September? Well, a man can hope! Looking forward to my first viewing of The Gorgon too.


Thought the film was great - amazingly strange and amazingly creepy. Next up - The Gorgon!


The Gorgon and The Reptile are two of the most boring movies ever made. I guess the poster and the title came first with the movie as an afterthought.

England Prevails


The Gorgon and The Reptile are actually two of my favourite Hammer movies!

Both feature predatory women, and express a fear of powerful female sexuality. I've watched them many times, and think they are rich and fascinating - not boring at all.
