One HELL of an ending
I've always made a point of doing my best to watch a movie in its entirety no matter how much it may suck. No matter how a film might drag, I always try to hang in there because I could miss something completely redeeming at the end, something that ties it all together. Many movies I've labored through never to be rewarded at the end, just one awful waste of time from start to finish after another, but "These are the Damned" showed me that my faith has not been for nothing.
The whole movie is in the last 15 minutes or so, though I doubt it'd be half as rewarding without first sitting through the kill-me-it's-so-dull build up.
I: 1) first found the reveal original, 2) was then surprised at how perfectly it complimented and deepened what had already been shown, 3) then tripped out on all the implications behind it, and 4) took a step back and began to see the whole thing as a grand metaphor for several enlightening themes.