Why the Names of Kings and Queens?
I was intrigued by this strange movie when I saw it awhile ago. Did anyone notice that the children who are being "conditioned" for life in a post-nuclear world all have the names of British monarchs? (Elizabeth, Victoria, George, etc.) Does this have any connection to the (unusual) name of the Oliver Reed character, "King"?
One possible thought: the film may present an allegory, based on the fear of British neo-conservatives that the identity of "Old England" will not survive into the post-war era. At the same time that the "conditioned" children are pawns in the government's game to ensure the survival of the British heritage, the present-day youth (King and his gang members) are also "the Damned" of their society. They are misunderstood by the adult world, unloved, and totally unprepared for survival in the harsh future that awaits them. (Hence the transposition of the children's cries--"Please help us!"--over the final image of the seaside town, which is the environment of the youth gang).
Any thoughts?