I have the same problem with Mercouri. She is attractive, but I wouldn't call her beautiful. As I was watching Phaedra last night, I tried to figure out what it is about her face that I find distracting, and I came to the conclusion that it is those dark patches under her eyes. It is not just a haggard look that she puts on for this particularly troubled character, as one other poster commented. Her "tired eyes" are a distinctive part of her appearance in all of her films. This quality of her eyes is the same feature that I have also always found in Jeanne Mireau, an actress that agentbach interestingly also compares to Mercouri in the post above. Same with Bette Davis's eyes. Mercouri and Mireau are both fascinating actresses whose faces simply don't match the Natalie Wood/Grace Kelly/Faye Dunaway standard of beauty that dominated Hollywood when these actresses were at the peak of their careers.