brando as Fletcher

I keep hearing moans about Brando's English acsent, I think it was perfect, his role was as a fopish extrovert, a gentleman , very sure of himself, wether the real Christian was like that well, who knows , the piont is he was playing the part , I herd no trace of an American fact we could hear evey word he said , that was a change from previos movies. this movie is my all time favorite, so very enteraining and thought provoking , all the cast are memorable and the Bounty herself wonderful ,we really need a two disc dvd.

Lastly . if you havent got the three disc soundtrack set , get it if you can, it has every single piece of music, plus a compleat alternate score, fantastic. Mike.


Yes, Brando was brilliant in this film. I think it's far superior to the Gable?Laughton version-the remake works as a pure entertainment but it has so much more depth than the original; Charles Laughton was a pantomime villain and Gable an all-action hero right from the start.
In this version, Bligh & Christian are much more believable.


Hi, yes thanks for that,I love some of the lines they say too. I really hope the S.E DVD does come out soon, there wey some scenes that were never included like a pree title sequence where the Brown is in a graveyard , ect.
we are supose to be getting a dvd this year sometime. cheers, Lightcloud.
