I love this film!!!

Two weeks ago. I watched Mutiny on The Bounty with my mum. I think it was the best film that I ever seen in my life. I think Marlon Brando played a great British person!! But I always asked myself, how does an American actor do a British accent? I can do a very good American accent although I'm British. But how does he do it? It's so amazing!


Hi, that's why Brando was Brando, this film is a wonderful effort to tell the Bounty story, so colorful, great entertainment, I hope the forthcoming s/e dvd two disc set lives up to exspetations.


Mutiny on the Bounty was the film that introduced me to Marlon Brando, I saw it for the first time when I was eight. I was thrilled. It's a marvelous film. It's one of the extremely few films where I don't care about factual errors etc. It's outstanding, and so is the soundtrack!


Well said, do you have the 3 disc soundtrack?, it fantastic.



Hi, yes its expensive , but its worth it, there's not only the whole exstended score but an alternate score, some music we have never heard from scenes that were cut, each disc is about 80 munites long, a thick booklet too. I wish you luck.byeeeeeeeeeeee.


To truly appreciate the range of Brando see this film with On the Waterfront or Streetcar Named Desire back to back. I too enjoy his performance in this film although I'm not sure if he is satirising the British or making an honest attempt a portraying an upper class Englishman , in the end it doesn't matter this is a great film, whether historically accurate or not. The other performers are excellent as well especially the always good Trevor Howard.


I'm an American and I've always found it impossible to judge if an American attempting a Brit accent is doing a good or terrible job at it. Maybe that's a normal thing. That actor who plays Dr. House in the TV series 'House' just amazes me with his American accent even though he's British (don't know if this show is playing in the UK). But again, I guess thats why they call it 'acting'. What's his name- Bob Hoskins- has playedwith an American accent and did well enough to where I thought he WAS American so when I saw him playing with the Brit accent I said "Oh here he is acting British- how funny" and then finding out later he actually was British. LOL
