
what is it?


It's a starchy substance, almost potato like and is encased in a rough textured green skin that is about the size of a grapefruit, maybe a bit bigger. I have had it baked and it is ok. The best breadfruit I have had was when it was thin sliced and lightly fried. Outstanding as an appetizer.


We know that breadfruit was wsuccessfully brought back by Bligh on a later expedition and presumably planted in this country.If it was such a useful fruit for nutrition, why don't we use it now ? Does anyone know ?


After Bligh successfully completed his mission to bring breadfruit to the British West Indies as cheap fodder for slaves the slaves refused to eat the stuff.


They preferred watermelon, which had a better flavor and higher quality nutrition.


Breadfriut is fantastic. i grew up in the Caribbeans and there are lots of them on our island. You can make it many different ways. I always wondered how come America has no breadfruit trees.


You're a lucky one.
