Best Movie Quote

I have always remembered fondly and poignantly the quote at the end of the film when Prof. Hill says to an exasperated Winthrop, "I always think there's a band, kid." Pathological though it may be, it embodies a truly American dream of always thinking something just might be possible.

AFI needs to place this on their list.


I have always liked that line too...and the way Robert Preston delivers it....
I think that somewhere deep down he does believe in the dream, however cynical he has become about taking advantage of others who also believe,

It is not our abilities that show who we truly is our choices


I recognize Professor Dumbledore's statement and like it, as well as agree. That is indeed one of the best lines in the movie.


Believe in the magic of your dreams



Oh, I do love that one!!! And it is so true. I love the way he says it, too. Thanks for the reply, bringing it to mind. I actually tried to remind my boys of that in a way. They have a cousin they haven't seen in a while who will be leaving for Afghanistan in Sept. and I reminded them of the regrets they might have in the future.
What a grand movie, and one I never get tired of watching.


Believe in the magic of your dreams


I always liked, "You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays."

I also like the remainder of that line -

I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering.


"I'm bigger than you are and you're going to get all of it, so you might as well stop wiggling."

I always get a sophomoric chuckle at that...



It absolutely was!

"I hope, I pray, for Hester to win just one more 'A'"

List of tropes. I loved the snap of the one near beginning when he first hits
River City.

Harold Hill: Excuse me, do you know where I could find a good hotel?

River City Resident: Try the Palmer House, Chicago.

Paragraph below sums up the clever attitude of the dialogue.

In the film The Music Man (based on the 1957 musical), town librarian Marian Paroo draws down the wrath of the mayor's wife for encouraging the woman's daughter to read a book of "dirty Persian poetry." Summarizing what she calls the "Ruby Hat," the mayor's wife paraphrases FitzGerald's Quatrain XII from his 5th edition: "People lying out in the woods eating sandwiches, and drinking directly out of jugs with innocent young girls."

Whole list of MM lines.

Lyrics -- This was a neat back & forth.

Mrs. Paroo
If you don't mind me saying so
It wouldn't have hurt you to have found out
what the gentleman wanted

I know what the gentleman wanted,
You'll find it in Balzac

Mrs. Paroo
Well excuse me for living, but I've never read it

Neither has anyone else in this town...

Mrs. Paroo
There you go again with the same old comment
About the low mentality of Rvier City people
And takin' it all too much to heart

Now, Mama
As long as the Madison Public Library was entrusted
to me for the purpose of improving River City's
cultural level, I can't help my concern that the
ladies of River City keep ignoring all my council and advice

Mrs. Paroo
But darlin':
When a woman's gotta husband and you've got none
Why should she take advice for you?
Even if you can quote Balzac and Shakespeare and
All them other high-falutin' Greeks?


Marian: "You'll find it in Balzac"
*nya* *purr*


My sister and I use that one a lot/

"A daffy woman constantly strives to become a star..."


Here is a link explaining a lot of the old references used in the play and the film.

Yes, Balzac is included. /the-music-man-glossary.shtml


Sig Line:

Many cynics and skeptics mistake their hubris negativity for actual intelligence.


I'll go the silly and obvious route and say this conversation:

"What do you want to take out?"

"The Librarian."

~Right Here in River City~
