I need help with these questions please
I'm trying to do my homework but my English is not the best and I don't understand some questions. These are the questions if you can help me please I really appreciate it.
The Directions
1. Describe the Style of the productions (use specific examples)
2. Describe the overall mood or tone
3. Did the blocking have motivation and purpose? (give specific examples)
4. How did the blocking help tell the story?
5. How well was the stage space used? (Example)
6. Were the actors well cast?
7. What was the pace? Did it seem appropriate for the material?
8. Review the direction of this play
The acting
9. Where the actors convincing? (use examples)
10. where the actors able to step outside of themselves? (defend your answer)
11. Did the actors use specific mannerism or voices did the seem to fit the character? (exameples)
12.Could the actors be heard and understood?
Choose a character, what was their arc? Were the different at the end form what they were at the beginning? How did the actor portray this change? (use specific examples
13. Could the actors be heard and understood?
14. Choose a character, what was their arc? Were they different at the end from what they were at the beginning? How did the actor portray this change? (use specific examples)
15. Review the acting in this play.
The Designs
16. Describe how the style was reinforced by the set and costuming(specific examples)
17. Describe how the set reinforced the context of the play.(example)
18. Was the set interesting? (defend your answer)
19. Did the set choices fit the mood of the play?
20. Describe how the costuming reinforced the context of the play. (example)
21. Describe how the costumes reinforced character. (example)
22. Were the costumes interesting? (defend your answer)
23. did the lighting communicate the passage of time? Did the lighting help to establish mood (defend your answer)
24. Did the sound help create mood? What contribution did the sound design make to the production?
25. Review the design work on this play.
Structure and Content.
26. Who was the protagonist? What was their goal? (defend your answer)
27. Who (or what) was the antagonist? How did they(or it) block the protagonist from achieving their goal? (Defend your answer)
28. What was the theme of the play? (Defend your answer)
29. How was the theme communicated? (Dialogue, action, symbolism, all of the above?)
30. What was the plot of the play?
31. Pick a character you can identify with, what of yourself did you see in them? Were they your favorite character? Did you root for them? Why or why not?
32. Was the play serious comic? Why do you think the playwright chose to write in that way? Do you think he/she make the correct choice? (defend your answer)