Filming KID GALAHAD Why Did Elvis And Charles Bronson Not Get Along?
What took place? Anyone know any details?
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Apparently Elvis and Bronson didn’t get on. It was said that Elvis, who had recently earned his black belt in karate, was demonstrating his skills by breaking boards with his hands. Bronson attempted it and failed, resulting in it creating a barrier between them.
i read it sonny wests book "taking care of buisness" charles was the only person on set who didn't cater to elvis and didn't act impressed at his kararte demonstartions and elvis called him a mucsle bound meathead (or something to that effect) and that created the tension.
Everybody got along with Elvis. Charles Bronson was known not to be a friendly guy. Elvis Presley was always known to be a nice guy and everybody loved him. Frank Sinatra bad mouthed Elvis before they were going to do that special on TV. Sinatra met Elvis and liked him. If Charles Bronson didn't talk to Elvis it was because he was intimidated. Look at Elvis and look at him.
If you couldn't get along with Elvis Presley then you can't get along with anyone. Everybody who talks about Elvis says how nice he was and went out of his way to treat people with respect. People who worked behind the scenes would say that Elvis would get them coffee and ask them how they were doing and ask them about there families. I like Charles Bronson and I wasn't there but I would have to say if there was a problem it was his.