Barry's Brief Homoerotic Move...

During the campfire scene right before they all investigate the thatched house/windmill area. Barry happily lays his head between John Agar's crossed legs...& keeps it there until John pushes him off.

Yeah- I'm sorry but- even when goofing off, *real* straight guys don't go there. :)



There are no moderators, there is only Zuul. - organicprankster



Some people see Homoerotic stuff in Swiss cheese... I never notice stuff like that cause I am %100 Hetro..."That Jayne Mansfield had some big breasts"

* ;)


Just saw that scene and it is not homoeroticism at all. One guy fooling around and quickly tossed off by Agar. Agar had his legs crossed too. I think some see homoeroticism in everything.


You said:

One guy fooling around and quickly "tossed off" by Agar.
Heh heheheheheheh. Great one!

It's entirely possible that I am missing the point of your message.


well agar did have a high sex drive


Yeah, I thought that was odd.
