Another missing sequence?

I saw this on tv when I was a kid, and I could swear they showed the spaceman disappearing into the brain thing. He kind of stretched out and dissolved. This brief sequence is missing from the DVD version.
So... did I imagine this sequence?
Am I remembering another movie?
Want to take bets on anyone ever reading this board and responding to my post?


I seem to remember that scene too... Been too long since I've seen it though. I think it's on youtube. I may have to go look.

Drain 2-6-7 is the target area... Drain 2-6-7!


I think you may be thinking of The Angry Red Planet, another, better, Sid Pink production. In that one, a giant amoeba absorbs one of the crewmen (Jack Kruschen), who's shown stretched out inside the thing, in his spacesuit, until he dissolves.

I don't believe any of the crewmen in Journey to the Seventh Planet dies in the film, though I may not remember correctly.


You may be right... The ARP crewman in question is Sam and his loving ray-gun (Cleo?)... LOL.

Drain 2-6-7 is the target area... Drain 2-6-7!


Ah, yes -- Cleo! I think Cleo may have lived.

Anyway, if there is/was a scene of a "Swedish" spaceman disappearing in JTTSP, it's almost certainly that amoeba dispatching Sam in TARP. As you know, some FX scenes were changed by AIP using some of their own stock footage as well as at least one new monster sequence (although that monster uses Rodan's roar!). But again, I don't remember that any of the crewmen here were dissolved, evaporated, crushed, ray-gunned or otherwise zapped, so probably no amoeba or any of its ilk was in the original cast.



The young blonde guy Carl dies; when the "weapon" that was (not really) in his hand disappears, he jumps into the brain, which "absorbs" him. You can hear his screams. Plus, when everyone piles into the rocket at the end, the one guy asks where Carl is, and the commander tells him, "He's dead."


Yes, that's right, I remember now. Thanks. In fact, if I recall, after the Commander says Carl's dead, no one seems to care much and they just go about their business.


Yes, that's correct. The missing shot was from ANGRY RED PLANET. When JOURNEY and ANGRY RED PLANET were released to laserdisc as a double-bill of the 2 films, it was discovered the same shot in 2 different films, they replaced the shot in journey with some strange paper sculpture. They kept the paper-sculpture shot in JOURNEY when it went to DVD in spite of the fact that it was now paired with INVISIBLE INVADERS.


I remember that, too, because it made me think of the scene in "The Angry Red Planet". I just now watched "Journey" on THIS, and I missed that scene. I read a later post about why it was deleted, but it would be nice to see it the way I remember it. The change isn't as effective.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


Such a sequence DID happen on "Angry Red Planet". Perhaps that's what's in your memory (if you saw both films).

