MovieChat Forums > Hatari! (1962) Discussion > DELL comic book adaption and magazines

DELL comic book adaption and magazines

How many comic book and magazine adaptions (both official and unofficial) are there of this movie? Anyone know?

I have the (in English) Hatari! comic book (Seems DELL and Gold Key made comic book versions of just about everything at the time) - 36 pages including covers, and I also know of a large "photo novel" (in Portugese) on e-bay, that was priced at US $50.00. The description of the magazine was: "Contains close to 280 photos from the film showing the complete story. Each page has a Portuguese caption. If you would like you can use the site WORLD LINGO and translate it into English".


Don't know the answer to your question, but it's surprising that Dell didn't put out a novelization of the screenplay. This was done by Pocket Books, and the adaption was by Michael Milner. It included 8 pages of photographs.
