Top 250?
This movie has a (current) user rating of 8.5 points.
But on the Top 250 list, it is on 226. place with 8.0 points.
So, what kind of rating is the Top 250-rating, since they are note the same scores?
I have seen similar differences between Top 250-ratings and user ratings of the movies on the Top-list, practically every movie on the list have this difference between their ratings. But why is this? What ratings are used on the Top 250-list?
Sorry for being a bit "off-topic" on the forum, since my question has nothing to do with Seppuku itself (I confess, I haven't even seen it But I will soon, when I can get my hand on a DVD). But if you know the answer, I would like to know.
The only thing I can come up with, is that the Top 250-list's ratings are rarely updated, and this movie has gone from a 8.0 to a 8.5 in a short period of time.
Sorry for any grammatic errors/awkward use of words etc. English is not my native language.
(PS: What was the first thing that came to mind when seeing the title for my topic? Did you think I was going to say it didn't deserve its place on the list, banter with "This muoovie suxx!!", "Worst flick evar\o/" and such?
I bet you did But I got your attention...)
I don't want any of this! I start doin' coke, next thing you know it's a bandana and a needle full of Hi-Five! Two weeks later I wake up in a tub full of ice, barely able to bid for my own kidneys on ebayshare