That's the way I took it, too: your downfall will always be as close and as easy as crossing the street.
But I like the idea that not only is the booze there beckoning to him, but also his beloved. Makes the scene even more powerful--double temptation, doubly hard to resist.
I went to a dinner once, to celebrate the anniversary of a friend's first year sober. The waiter misinterpreted the occasion as a birthday party and brought the guest of honor a glass of champagne. The glass got passed down the table to me because everyone else was in AA, but I didn't want to celebrate my friend's sobriety by drinking champagne, so I just ignored it. I didn't realize it was such a big deal, but at the end of the evening, that's all anyone could talk about. How does she DO that? I don't know, she didn't even touch it. It was right there and she didn't even CARE. Wait, she's not in AA? Are you telling me she could have drunk that champagne and she DIDN'T?
Wow, I suddenly had a very clear picture of how alcohol seems to always be in your face when you're alcoholic and how you have to constantly fight your desire for it.