Well, I never drank at work (Construction -- all level, swinging a hammer to Superintendent)
I'd get out of work, stop have a couple beers go home and have a couple shots then bed. That was enough for a long time
5 years before I quit, something happened within my family I couldn't take --- THAT brought back memories I thought I'd buried. I increased my consumption, After 5 years I was at a 6 pack of pounders and a bottle of Scotch between 5 pm and midnight Wake up, take a shower, be at the jobsite bt 7 when the hourly workers show upI was real fun in the lornings till about 9, then I was clear, BUT started getting anxious by 4
Had 2 DWIs, spent 3 days in jail Couldn't afford rehab with fancy drugs I white knuckled it,and when I came out I was shaking pretty bad, got home drank a 1/2 pint down in about 1 swallow The shakes stopped . I had 6 pounders and 1 bottle of Johnny Walker Blue I was saving for a special Time and figured the last Drunk was special enough. Went to my 1st meeting and 5 the next afternoon I was starting to shake and they didn't stop for over a week --- THAT was 14 1/2 years today