MovieChat Forums > The Day of the Triffids (1963) Discussion > Seemed like marketing demographics affec...

Seemed like marketing demographics affected script...

In the movie, they make the lead character American, and they start out in England (as in the book), but then go through France and Spain. Finally, instead of an adult female love interest, they give the lead character a child companion. It seems like these changes were made in order to interest as wide an audience as possible for the film: Brits, Americans, French, Spanish, and children. And the changes basically sucked. Instead of depth of location we get a whirlwind tour of Europe.



It's nothing Spielberg hasn't done in most of his movies.

The black daughter of Ian Malcolm in JP 2, anyone?

More examples provided on request.;)


I agree Spielberg does it. Though I don't like most of his movies, either!


Most movies are affected by demographics they want to please. that is nothing new.

Best way to deal with trolls is to add them to your ignore list.


"Most movies are affected by demographics they want to please. that is nothing new."

What a coincidence -- neither is this movie, which was made in 1962.


The producers filmed in each country which provided a backer who contributed to the budget, hence the detour through Europe.

"Make me a baby!
Make me a star!
Leave my coffin slightly ajar!"
- Lesley Gore


Thanks for the info. Makes sense.


I thought the different countries they were traveling through was just to drive home how the Triffids had infested the entire planet. Also while they gave Howard Keel a child companion, they DID give him a potential love interest in Nicole Maurey.
