Missing scene

I've been watching this film recently on the web, and I noticed that there's a small scene missing from when it was aired on television & cinema. When Bill & Susan set out in the small boat for France, it just cuts to the lighthouse scene. There used to be a scene there where we see Bill & Susan in the boat, and Susan asks Bill "Where are we going"? Bill replies "We're going to that meeting in Paris, if we can make it". There was a large explosion behind them, and we see the ship they just came off of on fire. We see their boat heading out past an estuary lighthouse towards France amid the sounds of smaller explosions. Then came the lighthouse scene with the Goodwins. I don't know why, but this scene cannot be found anywhere anymore.


You are right I just watched my DVD copy and it is missing.I remember the scene you are talking about as I saw it 10 times as a child over 50 years ago.


I don't know that this missing scene "can't be found anymore", but it is indeed missing from at least one print of this film presently in circulation. Back in 2010 I posted a thread topic on the DVD of this film from Cheezy Flicks in which I noted some of the problems with the print they used, including this missing scene.

I think this is just a bad print which for some reason has gained currency, possibly because it's in widescreen (most prints are pan & scan), and that the missing scene still exists elsewhere. As of this post I haven't heard anything in years about the ongoing restoration of this film, which so far has been taking many years and seems nowhere near being finished. But assuming it actually gets done some day, presumably -- hopefully -- it'll include this scene and be complete in all other respects as well.


Not exactly a missing scene, but an unused or deleted scene apparently had a triffid loose in the aisle of a plane. I've seen a still of this scene, and the passengers are reacting to seeing the triffid, so it doesn't appear to be the scene where a plane crashes and all the passengers and crew are blind...


France released a DVD last year the company states restored and anamorphic but it is not. It's not restored the colors are still very muted, it's widescreen but not anamorphic, the scene on the boat is still missing and the French subtitles on the black matte are non removable. So don't be suckered in like I was also it's PAL region 2. So if you don't have an all region player it's useless anyway. Hope this helps people who stumble upon it.



Here you all go. This is the only link where I could find that missing scene. For as long as I can remember, it was ALWAYS on the VHS copies. So your best bet would be to get a good VHS copy, get a VHS to DVD transfer device and put it on disc.


VHS would be 4:3 and pan and scan, though, so I'm not sure that'd be preferable.

That link is down unfortunately.


Just watched this on You Tube and it was missing. It was widescreen so I'm thinking maybe it was ripped from a DVD.
