MovieChat Forums > The Day Mars Invaded Earth Discussion > Betty Beall (Judi Fielding) fight with h...

Betty Beall (Judi Fielding) fight with her doppelganger

I'm watching, sorta paying attention, when I see Judi's doppelganger show up in her bedroom, and then fighting with her at the door. I sat up and said "Woah".

It looked like there were really 2 of them, not an old split screen or a double filmed from the back. And this was way before computers made this sort of thing easy.

I did find that Betty Beall has a sister named Barbara Beall. Neither of their bios has much info, not even their brithdates. But they did work in two projects together.

I wonder if they're twins, and one (Barbara?) only played Betty's doppelganger?


Correct, she was cast specifically because she had a twin sister.


Great. Thanks, that's what I suspected.
I wonder if she had to split part of her paycheck with her sister, or if she got paid separately?


If they were both members of the Screen Actors Guild, they would both need to be paid. However, I have no idea if either or both of them were members of SAG.


Reminds me of Terminator 2 where they used Linda Hamilton's twin sister at the end of the movie.
