One of the worst movies ever
Yes i'm not kidding also i don't hide my thoughts.
I didn't yet see the 4thr part, but Fellini and Visconti are both unbelievable bad. The first part is decent, Renzo & Lucia, it brings over some feelings about early 60'th working class.
Now, Fellini is just glorifying "The Society of the Spectacle", turning the whole life into nothing else than an empty show, absolutely meaningless. From the first frame on, Fellini is attempting to impose his will, as a master, with the big face of Dr. Antonio watching us. No decent director would dare to handle the audience like this. Anita Ekberg is awful, this is no realism, no romance, and as a phantasm there is no desire left, as in Visconti's cold huis-clos (next part). Anita is not Italian, this means it has nothing to say about Italy, as later Rossellini with Ingrid Bergman too. As Visconti with Schneider. If you want to show italy at least, take an italian actress.
The women here are cold-hearten, modern in a sens of self-control, they don't act Italian way, speaking with hands, they control so much their feelings that we can't sympathize with them. What happens in Visconti's huis-clos, no one cares. She's talking loud or making phone calls, smiling all the way. He is ludicrous. Later even the cats and the servants have a part, to say that nothing matters. Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf is 100 times better. Modernity was becoming too much intellectual, with Sartre and Godard so Italian felt compelled to weird things, loosing their own spirit.
Now if you like Miss Schneider, then this is for you. She is nicely filmed, even walking to the bathroom with pearls on her neck. She isn't italian, she is a post romantic brat, nothing italian style is left. Also, read Boccaccio again, you will see the huge distance this has to show with the early writing of the master of the novel ! Nothing in common, this is a pure exercise of desperate futility.
How things went bad, i guess starting with comedy, where the man was mocked, this mocking became even harder until it turn to fight, to intersexual hatred. It was weak to show sensitivity, love, and modernity was to hate, seduce, control, lure ; like Sartre said, "hell is other people" (No Exit). So we have a lot of movies from mars.