Claggart's Motivations
I find myself,at times,getting very frustrated over the lack of insight on the part of people who claim that Claggart's desire to destroy Billy is based on some sort of malign and causelss "...desire to destroy goodness."Give me a break!All behavior is motivated,and caused.So,it behoves us to take a closer look at what drives Claggart to hound and persecute this "...pure"sailor.
Sir Winston Churchill was quoted as stating the the 3 traditions of the British Navy were"...Rum,Sodomy,and the Lash!"And,to be perfectly honest,that type of behavior had always existed among seafaring men.Rightly or wrongly,it did create bonds.
Claggart appears to be a classic example of a paranoid personality disorder.Rigid,subservient to authority,and unable to accept his own dark impulses.He's probably caught up in some sort of (unconscious) sexual attraction to Bill,and is unable to deal with it on a concscious level.So,insted of admitting his feelings,he turns them around to a deep(again unconscious)hatred.(This is called reaction-formation.)The he PROJECTS these feelings of hatred onto Billy.And,of course,as we all know,it is imperative to destroy that which we hate.
What really bothers me is Captain Vere.He gets caught up in the letter,rather than the spirit of the law,and allows Billy to be hanged.What a travesty of justice.Quite possible,he's also attracted to Billy,and rather than deal with his feelings,he allows Billy to hang rather than admit an unacceptable attraction.