MovieChat Forums > Billy Budd (1962) Discussion > What's Up With The 'Trivia' Section?

What's Up With The 'Trivia' Section?

Can anybody tell me what's up with the "Trivia" section??

1) No real trivia to speak of, other than two minor references. A movie of this caliber/background should have lots of interesting "tidbits" to be shared.

2) Two references to "censorship" and/or "visa" numbers?????
To wit:
Finnish censorship visa # 66146.
French visa # 26957.

WTF are those, and why are they listed in the "Trivia" section??!?



it's user driven, so if people knew more trivia, they would enter it there.

most of the principles are long dead, so probably not much more info coming out in actor interviews. Stamp made this at the VERY beginning of his career, so when he DOES give interviews, i'm sure he talks about his recent work. he's approaching 80, and he has two works in production. pretty impressive. like estelle winwood. she lived to 101, and worked almost right up to the end.


The DVD includes an alternate track which is basically Steven Soderburgh interviewing Terrance Stamp about this, so anyone who is a bigger fan than me should listen to that and write everything down. There's some good stories there.


I don't know what drives the Trivia section but there's no Goofs cited which I've noticed only seems to happen with old movies (I watch a lot of Turner Classics because there's no interruption by advertisers every 7 or 8 minutes and I usually go to IMDB to read the Goofs and tryna watch for them). By the way "The Godfather" lists 123 Goofs and has one of the Highest Ratings on IMDB so I guess Goofs don't detract from an audience's viewing tastes.
