ATTN: Irish fans....

I have one person watching for these episodes for me, but I'd love to have a backup. Could someone please watch for the episodes "Requiem For a Country Doctor" and "The Strange Quest of Claire Bingham?" I'd really appreciate having these. I need them in a format that can be played in the USA. Please contact me if you can do this.

Daniel, I haven't given up on you!!


I have recorded all the episodes so far, mostly on a DVD recorder, but some VHS transfers as well, so I will most likely be recording these too when they air in the new year. It's not difficult to convert them to NTSC.


hi do you have episode called RYKER with clu gulager on dvd and an episode with charles bronson, i will buy from you i missed those 2 episodes to tape. thanks Danny


I have the Charles Bronson one , I missed a couple of minutes of the start but not much. If you want I will copy it for you on dvd.


ok bronson1 thanks very much do that for me, let me know how much i owe you and will sort it. if there is any series you want or film you havnt got let me know i just might have it im a western fanatic, Danny


Have you had any luck finding my episodes Danny? *crossing my fingers*


hi im watching dont worry, we are into the 5th season now just last friday i reckon your episodes will be on at christmas, and dont worry i will make sure the dvds are ok for america dvdplayers, Danny


Thanks sweetie, I appreciate it. Remember, I need those 2 episodes, not just the one. (I'd forgotten about the other one)


no problem i wont forget


hi poppyviolet if you look up the episodes of the virginian on season 5 we had an episode called LINDA today, there is 5 more to go for your country doctor one its only on from monday to friday so hopefully next monday week will be it, Danny


YAY!! I also want the "Claire Bingham" one so don't forget it! Thanks!!


hi just to let you know THE VIRGINIAN hasnt been on for last 2 weeks because of xmas so hopefully it will be back next week, i wont forget claire bingham.


Thanks so much, Daniel!


The 'Requiem For A Country Doctor' episode should be on next Monday.



YAY!! Someone please tape it and the "Claire Bingham" one for me (on a format that'll play in the US) Thanks!!


hi poppyviolet i have your doctor episode i didnt get chance to tell you all week, busy at work. will tape claire bingham next, a very good episode called MELANIE was on today it was very good love story, well for not for poor TRAMPAS, Danny


If TG4 continues to show the episodes in order, the Claire Bingham episode should be screened on Tuesday, January 29th.



hi jimkeary are you tapeing this series and if so do you have the charles bronson episode that was on a few weeks ago,DANNY


YAY!! Thank you!! Contact me after you tape the "Claire Bingham" episode. Thanks so much and thanks to jimkeary for the knowledge of the air date!!


hi i have the two episodes taped but i couldnt help the adds in it, it breaks twice for adds if you want to wait i will get them taped again and cut adds out, DANNY


The ads are fine....not a problem! Do you know how to check your private messages? Let me know and I'll send you the address of where to send this, thanks again so much!!!!!


yes i know how to check messages, i will keep an eye on it for your address no problem. Danny


Ok, I'll pm the address to you....


I was told to ask you if you put this on a computer disk?? It needs to be on somehting that'll play in the US. Apparently, if it's on a computer disk, it can be burned to a DVD (I have NO idea!! LOL) Anyway, let me know and let me know when it's mailed....thanks!!


hi no i didnt put it on a computer disc, what i did was i recorded it on dvd plus RW and my sister is putting them on region free disc i got from america, i will send both to you if they dont work i still have a copy and will try something else, will post them monday morning, DANNY


Thanks you soooo much!! What would you like in return? (I'll let you know when she gets them)


hi i posted your dvds today a bit later than i had said, sorry didnt get chance with work but anyway they are on the way probably next wednesday or thursday should arrive, any problems let me know, Danny


I'll let you know when they arrive! Thanks again!!


It arrived today, but I'll have to let you know if they play....thanks again!!


We checked them last night--they won't play....drat!! We're going to see if they'll play on a computer....


oh no, ok i have 2 other types of discs i will tape them onto them and send over.


That'd be fabulous, Daniel!! Sorry it took me so long to reply, I didn't notice this post. The others won't play on a computer either so I'd love it if you'd send the others, thanks!!

Are you sure you don't want anything in return tho??


Also--please write "do not scan" on it, maybe that's what happened?? (it could've been accidentally scanned?!)


im sorting it now poppyviolet and i will post them to you probably wednesday, sorry about the others, Danny


Not a problem, Daniel. I really appreciate all of your efforts, thank you somuch!!


Just wondering--could you copy them on VHS? (and still write "do not scan" on them) If not, don't worry....the other way is fine, just remember to write "do not scan" on them in case that was the problem!


hi im sorry for delay i was on holidays and just got bak 2 days ago, i will put them on vhs and another dvd and see what happens, will do it this weekend for sure and post by tuesday without anymore delay,


I haven't been online much lately either. Thanks so much for doing this, Daniel. We really appreciate it!! Will let you know when she gets them!


Have you mailed them yet? Just wondering....


poppyviolet they are in the mail just today, forgive me for taking so long i just didnt get chance to sort them out and get to post, but they are on the way to you, there are 2 discs with 5 episodes a disc and your ones are there too. these are region free discs i bought this from america so keeping fingers crossed, sorry again for delay and i hope you enjoy them this time, DANNY


Thanks soooo much Daniel, I'll let you know when they arrive!!


hi poppyviolet did you get dvds, Danny


Sorry, Daniel, I thought I'd posted this....yes, I got them and they work beautifully, I've been enjoying watching them, thank you again!! (I'll aslso pm you to be sure that you get this)
