I was watching the shows but missed the last episodes before the new season with the Grainger's took over. How were these three characters written out? Did the show say anything or did they just disappear?
Let me see... They mentioned that Judge Garth had sold his ranch, with the presumption that Jennifer went with him (even though when the Grainger's showed up, they read a note from *Betsy* in her old bedroom, like Jennifer was never there). There wasn't anything said about Randy.
Not sure what I think of "the Grainger Years" just yet. I like Stacy. I even like John Grainger. I do not like Elizabeth. I've decided. She's too "flighty" is the only word I can think of. One minute she's stable and calm, the next she's flying off about something.
I agree with all you say, especially your assessment of Elizabeth. The character is flighty and overly emotional. She cries at the whiff of a hat and it's hard to feel what she's crying about at times. I can't seem to connect with her at all yet connected immediately with Betsy. I miss the original cast even though I have gotten used to Mr. Grainger and his grand son by now. Now I watch today and see another actor playing the part of Mr. Grainger... oh boy! :).
Many blessings to you and family Annie... great sharing with you on the topic of the Virginian.
I felt the same way about Betsy (in watching the show on Encore Westerns). She just 'felt' like someone you knew and understand. The first few eps were strange (when she had the overpowering crush on The Virginian), but after they got that out of their minds, she just felt "right".
Elizabeth has not improved yet. I wonder how she managed to keep the job for so long. She has inflections that don't fit what she's saying (or supposed to be reacting to). It's off putting.
You know, I remember McIntyre being in the Virginian. I think I was too young to remember (or even watch) the early seasons. Heck, I wasn't even born until 1963.
Clay Grainger is John Grainger's (Charles Bickford) brother. He was brought in due to the illness (and subsequent death) of Charles Bickford.
Hey, I *love* talking to people about this show! I'm hoping that Timelss Media will release the second and third seasons on DVD. Not sure I'd want any with Jennifer or Elizabeth, but I might. I definitely want the Betsy/Judge Garth seasons though.
"But in an episode from 1969, Clay is identified as Elizabeth's father's elder brother, which would make Clay Elizabeth's uncle and John Grainger's son."
Yeah, I noticed that. I thought it was funny. When Clay and Holly first showed up, they continuously talked about their brother (brother-in-law), John. Then out of the blue, Clay became the brother of Elizabeth's dead parent, and Stacy just "disappeared" and was never remotely mentioned again. Very strange, but I suppose they didnt' want Clay to appear "old" the way John was.
Judge Garth became the governor of Wyoming and Betsy married and moved to the East.
The characters of Randy and Jennifer disappeared with no explanation about their leaving.
The confusion about the Clay and John occurred because a new executive producer came in after the third season and the ball was dropped about series history.
Your accounts of the departures of Judge Garth, Betsy, Randy and Jennifer are correct.
I remember when John Grainger, Stacy and Elizabeth first arrived on the scene, John was their grandfather. John was a widower and his son was the father of Stacy and Elizabeth. Stacy and Elizabeth's parents had been killed by Indians when they were children. There was an episode where Stacy found his father's watch on the wagon of a peddler. He bought the watch then went on adventure to learn the true circumstances of his parents death.
When Clay and Holly came to Shiloh, they were referred to as Uncle Clay and Aunt Holly even though they were really the great-uncle and great-aunt. There was an episode where a girl (played by Brenda Scott) bogusly claimed to the illegitimate daughter of Stacy and Elizabeth's father in order to lay claim to part of the Grainger fortune. However, the Grainger's were so nice to her that she couldn't go through with the scheme. I don't remember the switch to Clay supposedly being the brother. Now I will have to go back and pay closer attention to those episodes.
WOW! This is great! I LOVE "The Virginian"! I have just discovered this message board and am so excited to be able to discuss all things Virginian! I will try not to drive everyone crazy!
"Can I ask a dumb question?" "Better than anyone I know!"