MovieChat Forums > The Virginian (1962) Discussion > Two Men Named Laredo (1965)

Two Men Named Laredo (1965)

Season 3 episode 17. This is about temporary insanity. Judge Garth has to convince the jury that it exists. This TV series takes place in the late 1800's. But back in 1859 Dan Sickles shot and killed a man and his lawyer Edwin Stanton sucessfully defended him on a temporary insanity defense. The Judge (and most orindary citizens) should have been familar with that case because it was sensasional news at the time. Dan Sickles was a Congressman, the man he killed was Phillip Key, (Francis Scott Key's son), and Edwin Stanton later when on to become Licoln's Secretary of War. Not to mention that this was the first case where someone was aquitted by reason of temporary insanity. Judge Garth being the smart lawyer he is would of known this case. But yet the legal insanity seem to baffle him.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!”
