Betsy is my favorite, but she had her shortcomings too, she could be a bit lazy like asking one of the men who already had lots of work to do to take care of the horse she rode although she was physically able to do it herself, that's really the only thing about her that bothered me.
As for Elizabeth, it took some getting used to because in spite of my previous comment I adored Betsy. However I do like Elizabeth now, it's true she likes her shopping and gets a little flirty with some of the young men who end up at Shiloh, but that is common teenage girl stuff, I mean what normal young girl wouldn't warm up to some of the hunks they had on there? I had never seen her do anything inappropriate with them. It was touching when she sold her jewelry, including the locket from her mother when grandfather was going through financial difficulties in the beginning, and like Betsy she was never snobbish and always willing to help a stranger.
Now on to Jennifer, nough said.