Trampas question

Was Trampas the characters first name, last name, a nickname? What was his full name or was he another 'no name' character like The Virginian?


It was established that Trampas was his last name. If he had a first name, I
never caught it.

"Can I ask a dumb question?"
"Better than anyone I know!"


debrajosbo - you are correct. Even his father didn't call him by a name, just "son" and "boy". Someone implied that his name may be in the book (though I don't recall for certain), but it was never stated in the show.


You know what? This is probably sacreligious to admit but I've never read the
book and you have just inspired me to correct that situation! Thanks!

"Can I ask a dumb question?"
"Better than anyone I know!"


The book is quite different from the TV show, and yet the Virginian is the same.

Steve was a buddy who had to be let go because he was a little too handy with Judge Henry's [Yes!] cattle.

Trampas was the ultimate bad guy who was a rustler and shot people in the back. He and the Virginian started out bad and ended badly.

Molly Wood was the school teacher from New England. She and the Virginian were married and lived happily ever after on his piece of Shiloh. Judge Henry made the Virginian his partner and everybody lived happily ever after and the Virginian and Molly raised a passel of boys to help their daddy.

I enjoyed the book very much, and I've enjoyed the TV series very much. I wanted to see the original movie with Gary Cooper, but it doesn't seem t be available.


The book sounds interesting but the thing that keeps me from reading it is Trampas being a bad guy, I love the friendship and chemistry that Trampas and the Virginian have on the show, although the cast changed throughout the series I am glad that these two were there all the way.



Is Trampas' first name mentioned in the book? This show certainly had a thing for not naming names!


I haven't read the book, but I do remember the TV episode where Sonny tufts played Trampas' father. He was referred to as "Trampas" or "Mr. Trampas" so that has to mean that Trampas was his last name. I never heard a first name for him.


Well for that matter what's The Virginian real name?

See some stars here


I don't think Owen Wister ever gave The Virginian a real name. he was always just The Virginian.


I recently read the book, and unless I missed it, Trampas was never called or referenced by any other name.
Indeed, Owen Wister kept some of these things from the reader, and probably had his reasons.

Even though I knew better, I kept hoping that Trampas and The Virginian would become friends, just as they are on the TV Show. Despite that desire on my part, the book has a much more "happily ever after" ending than I expected.
