How things change!

Last night's show was from Jan 1, 1975, a few years before my own fine self came into the world, and an era I mostly only know from old TV shows. Some of the jokes I didn't get, but two things I noticed:

1. the guy who apparently made a career at the time of playing a funny drunk. Oh, that would go over well today!  I don't think of myself as easily offended, but I had to hit the mute button for his standup routine, although he seemed pleasant enough in the interview.

2. Carson taking a drag off a cigarette while waiting for the zoo lady to bring out the next guest.

One thing I thought was funny, was that Carson's fashionable hair style looked a lot like what mine looks like when I haven't had a haircut for a couple of months, and people keep mentioning it to me. The clothing wasn't as bizarre as much of 70s clothing looks today, but did look distinctly odd next to that of the previous night (from 1982). I saw a clip show when I was a kid (dating from, I think, the early 90s), when after a clip from the 70s, Carson said, "What were we thinking back then? We looked like we bought our clothes at a clown boutique!"

I loved Victor Buono, though, who in spite of his self-deprecating fat jokes, looked more slender than I've ever seen him.


"Oh, well," said Zanoni, "to pour pure water in the muddy well does but disturb the mud!"



You muted Foster Brooks? Wow you are way to PC.
Did you mute freddy prinze too?
If so you missed out on two funny acts.

