I don't remember a "wall of carpet" on O'Brien's set, at least not anywhere they showed regularly. There was some kind of blue wall with some texture and designs that existed (behind the curtain), but that was it. Isn't the big moon only on his TBS show? If there was a moon it was much more subtle (like Leno's various moons that showed up in his backdrops).
Personally, O'Brien's set seemed a lot larger and more grand than any of the sets I can remember of the show post-Carson.
I don't remember Leno's early set decoration when he first started, but the set all the way up to his first retirement is decidedly dated. It's too bright, too colorful - too many purple and pink shades. It really feels like it's from the 90s. I never watched Leno's return, but the photos I've seen of his set were a marked improvement. But still too heavy on the purple/magenta Aurora Borealis.
I've only seen Fallon's show(s) when the girlfriend would force me to watch it. Fallon's set is pretty awful - it feels barely larger than O'Brien's and even Fallon's Late Night set. Just big enough for him to play his stupid variety games with guests instead of interviewing them.
No, not the mind probe!