Jackie Gleason's 1986 guest appearance

I liked how he marveled at the fact that, thirty years after The Honeymooners first ran on TV, the show still had so many viewers and fans in the 1980s. I wonder if Carson ever imagined that, thirty years after these Tonight Show reruns first aired, so many viewers would still be enjoying them in the 2010s.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!




Two absolute Titans of the entertainment business, These guys really paid their dues to achieve the level of greatness they reached. Not like the manufactured stars of today.

I like a lot of current actors and comedians but Gleason and Carson come from a generation that just can't be matched.


I liked the fact that Gleason was doing a movie with Tom Hanks and..... Hanks' future wife Rita Wilson got bumped that night cause Gleason went too long



I was shocked to learn there were only 39 episodes of The Honeymooners! That was my main takeaway from the interview. I assumed the show had new episodes for years.



Slow down.

Also, what happened to your Panthers sig? 😉



This thread will last for thirty years.


If you get the opportunity to track down a sketch from the Jackie Gleason show in which he is playing Rudy the repairman one of his characters, a rude obnoxious lout who usually broke many more things than he ever fixed, the sketch i am talking about has Rudy installing an Air conditioner in a tea room, with the usual casualties and collateral damage, but at the end of the sketch they turn on the air conditioner which is suppose to blow dust into the tea room, dust, it looked like the air was saturated with a cloud of white powder-tons of it, that covered everybody, the extras playing the parts of customers were literraly covered and choking, Gleason took a full blast in the face and was stumbling around trying to deliver the sketches punch line to an actor dressed as a waiter who was also choking, Carney, playing the owner of the Tea room had to guide gleason to the waiter and the waiter to Gleason, both who couldn't see each other, and anyway the punch line was ruined by the shambles the powder had made of everything and Carney basically had to say both actors lines because they were incapable or performing them, later on Gleason came out to address the audience and explain what went wrong and say there was no way to rehearse a scene like that, but it was okay, everybody had survived and would be alright. Just absolutely hilarious. The golden age of television.

