The Interviews were a lot sexier than i remember
So many of the interviews seem to have sexual overtones, downright flirting ( on both sides) and double entendres, the interview with Richard Harrs and his hot young wife is a perfect example,she was an obvious free-spirit and It seemed like she was inviting Johny to a menage de trois, and Johny had to mention how much he loved his wife to cut off troubles at home , Harris also talked about his first sexual experience in that interview rather vividly. Interviews today are very tame, in comparison, but of course comparing todays politically correct times to those more freer and open times is almost impossible. Get too risky in an interview today, and the Twitter verse will set fire, and a star or starlet could find themselves virtually shamed, or the show itself could be boycotted by some group or another. Back then whatever you talked about on the air, was kind of between you and the audience. Now the audience is connected through social media, and nothing escapes the Sauron like eye that is the internet..