It was around the period 1969-1970 that a story spread that Arnold Palmer's wife was on the Tonight Show and that Carson asked her, "Do you have any rituals or superstitions that you follow when Arnie enters a tournament?" And she said, "I kiss his [golf] balls for luck." To which he replied, "Well that must make his putter stand up." To which she walked off the set in a huff. Nearly everything I've read indicate that this was a totally made-up story; but still I hear the same story being brought up from time to time on sports talk radio as though it really happened. It would be interesting to trace the beginnings of this story - how it all began, and why the story still has legs.
There is another legend (some say it's true) about Zsa Zsa Gabor. She brought her pet cat on the show and said to Johnny "Do you want to pet my pussy?" Johnny said "Sure, if you move that #$@& cat out of the way."
Those are false but it is true that on The Newlywed game one of the questions was, "The strangest place the two of you had sex." and one of the woman contestants answered, "In my butt."
Yeah, they played it to a stunned Bob Eubanks on one of those game show bloopers shows since he had sworn for decades that it never happened.
I think one of the few late night urban legends that actually is true is that a guest really did die in the middle of The Dick Cavett Show. Though anyone who claims they saw it is making it up since it never aired.
The death was never aired. Here's the story according to Lost Media Wiki (you can find it other places too):
On the 5th of June (or the 8th, depending on who you ask), 1971, during a taping of The Dick Cavett Show, guest longevity and health guru Jerome Rodale suffered a fatal heart attack and was pronounced dead shortly after.
After finishing his interview, Rodale was sat in a chair next to the then-current interviewee (New York Post columnist Pete Hamill), when his head suddenly slumped backward, as he let out what was said to be a 'snoring-like' sound. Allegedly, at this point, Dick Cavett turned to Rodale and asked "Are we boring you, Mr Rodale?", although Cavett has emphatically denied being able to recall ever having said such a thing, also stating that he somehow knew there and then that Rodale was in fact dead, and not joking around.
Somewhat ironically, during his interview, Rodale was quoted as saying "I’m in such good health that I fell down a long flight of stairs yesterday and I laughed all the way", "I’ve decided to live to be a hundred" and "I never felt better in my life!".
The episode was never broadcast, for obvious reasons (instead a re-run took its place), although Cavett has described the event many times both in documentaries,[1] interviews[2] and in his online blog,[3] just to name a few. Cavett and his staff warily viewed the recording of the incident several weeks later, only then noticing for the first time the irony in what Rodale had said during his interview. Rumor has it that Cavett himself is still in possession of the master tape, and while this claim is likely true, it has never actually been verified by Cavett himself.