Mclean Stevenson Joke

1973 - Mclean says he couldn't make a fist until he was 28. Carson, without missing a beat, responds " you were missing out on a lot"

It took a few seconds but McLean burst out laughing... followed by the audience.

Carson of course laughed and covered with... I meant fighting... I meant fighting!!

And that my friends is how you make a dirty joke without being completely vulgar and obvious.




McClean Stevenson is just not funny when he is on Johnny.
I always get bored with him.
He was better or the best on MASH.

BTW: I'm glad you shared that fist joke because I left the room when Mclean was on.

Damn, I'm good.



That was an bizarre addition to Stevenson they had:

Gene Hackman doing PR for "The Conversation" - he looked very uncomfortable doing talk shows. When Stevenson stopped the interview to tell him he was his favorite actor, Hackman looked like he wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of there. And the clip they showed of the movie with no set-up was utterly confusing out of context.

George Carlin clearly coked out of his head.

Over-the-hill Olivia De Havilland still thinking she's Hollywood royalty acting like a complete you know what.....



LOL - thanks.
