Carol Wayne

Kind of a spooky moment on last nights Antenna TV episode. Carol referred to Johnny (who was 47 at the time) as "old", then Johnny made some remark about how Carol would be 47 herself some day. In reality, she died at 42.



Man, she didn't look too great in that appearance, either, and that was only, what, 1973?


I was floored to find out when Wayne died under mysterious circumstances she was with the same man that Diane Linkletter was with when she supposedly committed suicide while under the influence of LSD.


She wasn't on LSD when she fell to her death:

Damn, I'm good.



Details on her life and mysterious death:

Damn, I'm good.


I just got around to watching that anniversary episode.

I had just pulled up her bio when they got to the "you'll be 47 some day" - this show can be unintentionally depressing from time to time.

No, not the mind probe!
