MovieChat Forums > The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962) Discussion > Not the same show with Doc filling in fo...

Not the same show with Doc filling in for Ed

There is such a difference e between the shows where Doc fills in for Ed, Ed could help Johnny out with his Jolly laugh and had a almost perfect chemistry and timing with Carson, he was a professional Emcee, with a booming voice, Doc had very little to add, which only made sense since the man was a Band leader and musician and didn't know anything about humor, plus with Doc filling in for Ed, we usually had to sit through five minutes of Johny trying to find fun with the ever bland Tommie Newsome.. On these nights Johny's timing was a bit off, it was as if Johny was standing out there alone without a wingman to protect him.


Dom Deluise would have been a nice fill in for Ed


I always wondered what was off when Ed wasn't on. Tommy always does something dry to make me laugh though. I notice the open always sounds rushed when he's in for Doc. I wonder if nobody fills in his part which keeps the band in a better tempo.


Carson used-what was called the audiences low expectations for Tommie Newsome to garner laughs, it didn't always work, and you never knew if Newsome was in on the Joke, but you assume nobody could be so dense, but you never knew, Carson wasn't beyond busting the chops of his employees, using his verbal wit on them, and it's hard to tell if Newsome wasn't upset by being made the butt of so many Jokes.


Ed might have been better off-camera during the monologue, but Doc had some of the better moments on the couch, like the classic thanksgiving bit. The only one to compare is the time Ed thought he was going to get fired and the only known time he was obviously drunk on the show.

It does bring up an interesting question, though. Besides Ed and Doc, who else did they use as emcee? Was Carol Wayne the only other one? Man, if you thought Doc was worse than Ed, Wayne really stunk. Her ditzy blonde shtick (which I never thought was that funny in the first place) simply dragged on for what seemed forever. Even Carson couldn't salvage her inane rambling.


Doc had one moment-The Thanksgiving bit-because it was edgy, and you sensed something lurking in the background, Like Carson never wanted to have Thanksgiving with Doc-or any of his other employees-Carson was aloof, and one could tell, he thought himself above the rest of the staff, and he was, he was a legend with incredible instincts and Talent, the others were only famous-and well paid-because of him. And to Carson that was enough, he gave them that, he didn't need to give them anything else, like inviting them to the House for a party. Johny was on the A-list, and people like Doc and even Ed were on the B-list, and perhaps on that Night Doc let a little personal resentment come out. Carson did not , and he would be the firs to admit, have a soft touch with his employees, he kept them on their toes, and he expected them to add to his show-the show was the important thing to Johny, the Show was his 'precious '
i think of the staff, Doc was the one he trusted when Ed wasn't there, not to mess it up too much, he knew Doc had no comic timing, but he felt Doc had a little personal charisma that the audience would like, but i think the show would have been better with a real fill in like Deluise, who was very similar to Ed in many ways, had the same good natured laugh, and was easy to like. But perhaps it was just easier to have somebody on staff who was already getting paid by the show to do the job instead of bringing in a free agent. But I know personally, in watching these shows every night, they i do not like seeing Doc in for Ed, i feel its an inferior product. And it puts too much strain on Carson to make it all work the same.


I never heard of this before, so I watched it. Thanks.



The guy I thought would have been perfect to fill-in for Ed would have been Bob Newhart (who, I think, did guest host a few times). Newhart was one of the few actual friends Carson had in real life and Newhart's comic timing was just as good as Carson's. As evidence, one need only watch one of the recent episodes of The Big Bang Theory when Newhart appeared. Newhart can get an uproarious laugh by simply being able to say the word, "No" in just the right manner. It's really remarkable. His is a true example of the 'less is more' school of comedy that someone like the great Jack Benny (famously known as a hero of Carson, no less) pioneered.

The only problem with Newhart as emcee is the repartee between him and Carson would have been so good, it might have taken up the whole show.


Bob was a little too big to be a sidekick, even for a night.

