Bob Hope

I've read a lot about how these two didn't like each other very much. But watching them together on the 1990 show... I must say, Carson would have to be an exceptional actor to seem so genuinely amused by Hope. He seemed genuinely admiring and friendly to Hope.

Does anyone know the source of the stories of their adversity?


Sorry, don't no any stories but Hope is on 3 more times in next 2 weeks!?


I read an article that said Carson became tired of Hope's routine which he never changed even after appearing many times.


I am somewhat of a Carson buff :-) So I created an account here to answer to the best of my ability.

Anyway. Bob Hope was actually someone that Carson did not enjoy at all having on
as a guest on the Tonight show. Carson said that Bob Hope would do as he pleased on the show and basically just plug the hell out of his own shows.

The thing is that Carson felt that he could not do anything about it, as Bob Hope was Mr. America himself. For Johnny to make any kind of remark about this directly to Bob Hope on or off air, was simply just not doable.
Bob Hope was at the time untouchable to Johnny and that most certainly must have plagued Johnny, I would imagine.
Especially for Carson, as the control freak that he was.

When I watch some of the episodes with Bob Hope, having that in mind,
Johnny does put on a good face, trying not to show any frustration :-)


I think it was in Bushkin's book where I read about Carson's dislike for Hope and I suspect it was mainly due to Carson being told by NBC that, in effect, Bob Hope could come on whenever he wanted, and do whatever he wanted.

Hope really had to be about the only person, ever, who could write his own ticket to be on The Tonight Show, and that had to infuriate Carson. Hope would come on, do and say whatever he pleased (which was mostly just to plug an upcoming special or appearance), then leave. It's kind of like when Hope was on the show, it became The Bob Hope Show for those few minutes, and that had to aggravate Carson to no end.

In fact, the unannounced 'celebrity walk-on' seemed to originate and be mainly for Hope. My guess is that, although there was 'some' notice of when Hope was going to drop by, it wasn't much. The only other people who might be able to get away with that sort of thing might have been, say, Frank Sinatra or, maybe, Dean Martin.

Even then, I can see any kind of warning to Carson would be something along the lines of, "Hey, we just got a call and Bob Hope might be dropping by". So, Carson wouldn't even be sure it would happen, just that it 'might'. Carson could be in the middle of a story or bit at his desk, the band would abruptly start playing, "Thanks of the Memories", and Hope would strut onto the set.
